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Bothered by Thin Eyelashes? Consider Latisse®

Bothered by Thin Eyelashes Consider Latisse

Museums take great care to choose the right frames to display priceless works of art. Eyelashes can be thought of as the frames to the “windows of your soul,” and if your eyelashes don’t perfectly frame and enhance the beauty and vibrancy of your eyes, you may feel cheated.

Why are some people born with lush, long lashes while you feel your lashes are skimpy, sparse, and do nothing to draw people to the intelligence and sparkle of your eyes?

Mascara is messy. It flakes, and it can fall into and irritate your eyes. Fake lashes are cumbersome and often look, well, fake. Even lash extensions, which may last for weeks to months, look overdone and must be redone every month or so.

You wish that you’d been born with great lashes or that you could grow them yourself. Thanks to Latisse®, you can. 

At Eye Associates of Monmouth in Colts Neck, New Jersey, we want your eyes to be healthy, but we also want you to be happy showing them off to the world. That’s why our expert ophthalmologist, John Ghobrial, MD, chose Latisse as a safe, and effective way of growing eyelashes when you feel cheated by Mother Nature.

Are you bothered by thin lashes? Here’s how Latisse grows thicker ones.

Your doctor must cleared you for Latisse

While we don’t judge your lashes — even long lashes can get longer with Latisse! — we do make sure you can use Latisse safely. Unlike less effective lash growers you buy at a pharmacy, Latisse is available by prescription only.

The active ingredient in Latisse is bimatoprost ophthalmic solution, a medication originally used to lower eye pressure in patients with glaucoma, intraocular hypertension, or other eye conditions. Bimatoprost regulates the flow of fluids inside the eye.

Women and men who used bimatoprost for eye pressure noted an interesting side effect: Their lashes became longer and thicker. Thus, a new use was found for the medication.

Because bimatoprost is a drug, you must meet certain requirements before using it long term. If you’re interested in Latisse, Dr. Ghobrial examines your eyes and takes a medical history.

Latisse is safe enough for children, but you can’t use it if you’re pregnant or nursing. You should also discontinue use if you experience any eye redness or irritation.

You must use Latisse properly and regularly

Although Latisse may make your morning routine easier — you may be able to skimp on or totally skip mascara — it adds a few steps to your evening ritual. You must first wash your hands, remove contact lenses, and be sure your lashes and upper lids are clean and free of any makeup residue.

You apply a single drop of Latisse to a disposable application brush and gently and slowly sweep the brush across the upper-lid lash margin only. Be careful not to get any on above the lash margin, or hairs may grow there. With a new single-use applicator, you repeat the process for the other eye.

Take care to immediately and carefully blot away any excess Latisse on your eyelid. After 15 minutes, you may re-insert your contact lenses, if appropriate.

You must apply Latisse nightly. You see results in the first 30-60 days of use, and your full benefits are evident at 16 weeks. You must continue daily or nightly applications to maintain your results. When you stop Latisse, your eyelashes eventually stop growing.

Expect the unexpected with Latisse

If you thought it was impossible to grow your own beautiful eyelashes, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. With daily use, Latisse grows lashes in 78% of people after 16 weeks. On average, lashes were:

  • 106% thicker 
  • 25% longer
  • 18% darker

Are you ready to say goodbye to thin eyelashes and get started on growing longer, lusher lashes with Latisse? Contact Eye Associates of Monmouth by phone today, or book an appointment online.

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