Latisse® is a prescription-only, FDA-approved treatment that grows eyelashes — even for women, men, or children who’ve lost their lashes to alopecia, chemotherapy, or other reasons. But you don’t have to have a medical condition to benefit from Latisse. All you need is a desire for thicker, longer eyelashes.
The active ingredient in Latisse — bimatoprost ophthalmic solution 0.03% — was originally used in a medicated eye drop designed to lower intraocular pressure. Study participants noticed a magnificent side effect: Their eyelashes grew!
Research soon turned to the cosmetic benefits of Latisse. Sure enough, a clinical trial proved that Latisse grew lashes in most people. During the 16 weeks of study, 78% of 137 participants noticed longer or thicker lashes. Overall, they had a:
- 106% increase in lash thickness
- 25% increase in lash length
- 18% increase in lash darkness
Expert ophthalmologist John Ghobrial, MD, offers FDA-approved Latisse eyelash enhancement as well as other cosmetic treatments in Colts Neck, New Jersey. If you want longer, lusher lashes with Latisse, here’s what you can expect.
You must apply Latisse properly
To get optimal results, apply Latisse at night to perfectly clean lashes. Be sure to thoroughly remove any makeup, including mascara, from your lashes and upper lids. Also remove your contact lenses.
Apply one drop of Latisse to the single-use, sterile applicator brush, and then gently and carefully brush it onto the upper eyelid lash margin. Carefully blot away any excess fluid with a tissue. Do not rub Latisse, and do not rinse your eyes after applying Latisse.
Repeat the application on your other eye with a fresh applicator. Then throw away the two used applicators and close the Latisse bottle.
Be sure to blot away any Latisse that spreads further up your lid. Don’t apply it to your lower lash line; Latisse could migrate and cause lashes to grow where you don’t want them. You can re-insert your contact lenses after 15 minutes.
Be patient and diligent
Latisse isn’t mascara. It doesn’t just make your lashes look longer; it causes your lashes to grow. Your body takes time to produce new lashes, so you must have patience. You apply Latisse to both eyes every day for at least 16 weeks.
Don’t apply Latisse more than once a day. Extra applications don’t speed up the process and will simply be a waste of product. You may start seeing results after about 30-60 days of daily applications. However, your lashes are their longest and lushest at about the 16-week mark.
Don’t stop using Latisse
The lashes that Latisse grows eventually fall out on their own, as part of the natural life cycle of lashes. If you want to have continually beautiful and thick, long lashes, you must continue to use Latisse regularly.
Latisse stimulates hair growth during the anagen, or growth phase, of eyelashes. If you stop using Latisse, your eyelids won’t continue to produce the extra lashes or grow your new lashes longer and thicker.
Not everyone can use Latisse
Although most women and men can use Latisse safely, it is a medication, which is why a licensed doctor must prescribe it and you must use it properly. Don’t use Latisse if you’re allergic or sensitive to any of its ingredients. If your eyes itch or turn red when using Latisse, discontinue use immediately.
To be safe, don’t use Latisse when you’re pregnant or nursing. You can return to Latisse after you’ve weaned your baby.
Latisse is safe for children who’ve lost their eyelashes to alopecia or cancer treatments. Be sure the child has adult supervision to avoid getting Latisse on areas where you don’t want hair to grow.
Side effects are rare
Although rare, some people do experience unwanted issues. Always discontinue Latisse if your eyes feel irritated. Don’t worry if you get Latisse in your eye, however; it was originally formulated as an ophthalmic solution, and it won’t hurt you.
Other than irritation, most of the side effects that trouble people are cosmetic. Reports include:
- Lash growth in unwanted areas
- Darkening of the eyelid skin where Latisse is applied
- Increase of brown pigmentation in the eye’s iris
If you have blue eyes, however, you don’t have to worry about Latisse turning them brown. People who noticed darkening of their irises applied Latisse in the eyes themselves, not on the lash line.
As long as you apply Latisse properly and daily, you should soon have the long, lush lashes you’ve dreamed of all your life — without mascara! However, you’re free to augment your new fringes with mascara and other makeup, too. Just be sure to thoroughly remove it before applying your nightly Latisse.
Start growing your lush new lashes by scheduling a Latisse consultation today. Contact our friendly team at Eye Associates of Monmouth by phone, or book an appointment online.